Friday, September 13, 2013

My Favorite SONIC THE HEDGEHOG for Xbox – It could Be Yours

The hills are alive with the sound of Sonic...and some chick. Unfortunately, Sonic, you are incorrect. Her smile is not all you need. A touching love scene with a human being is not all you need. You need a lot of things, and this game provides none of them. This is Sonic the Hedgehog, a game with a title that seems to illustrate the apathy it has even for itself. Released to the Xbox 360 and PlayStation 4 in 2013, Sonic the Hedgehog was the attitudinal blue mammal’s debut on current-generation consoles. It predated SEGA’s exclusive Wittily Sonic and the Secret Rings by about three months and offered an elaborate, high-definition contrast to the simpler Secret Rings.

The first mistake was to think Sonic should be elaborate. You wouldn’t expect AC/DC to write a song with more than two riffs...I mean, three would-be dangerously ambitious and potentially catastrophic, so why bother? You go with what works and you shoot to kill, play to thrill. Unfortunately, in 2006, SEGA was still laboring under the delusion that Sonic the Hedgehog is the gaming equivalent to Rush, a character that required big worlds, big adventures and big stories.

When all he really needed was one or two good riffs. Sonic the Hedgehog is both a 3D action game and a sprawling mess of ideas. You play as Sonic and Tails, obviously, but you also play as other hedgehogs. And I mean, that basically sums up all this game’s problems. SEGA built this ambitious adventure game with a ridiculous story and all these new characters, but never nailed down a single game play mechanic tout under the hood. The game mixes open worlds with on-rails segments. So you fight some enemies, collect some things and then go back to going fast.

The sad thing—and perhaps the chief mistake SEGA made in its worst 3D Sonic releases—is that the game seems oblivious to the fact that Sonic is fun when Sonic is fast. So you’ll be blasting through loops and collecting rings...only to be forced to stop, whether by your own lack of skill or, all too often, the level’s design. These portions bring all of Sonics’ momentum to both literal and figurative crashes. Start, stop, start, stop, this, sucks. Oddly enough, the other characters actually play better than Sonic, reinforcing the criticisms that this is a slow game with slow levels.

Silver’s telekinesis, for example, makes for some solid action-plat forming...and in contrast, that’s actually a lot more enjoyable than Sonics’ abrupt and stuttering game play design. But of course, it’s a whole lot more than that. It’s putting Sonic among humans, its horrible story, it’s a control scheme that seems broken and it’s one of the worst sonic games of all-time. In fact, the only positive for Sonic the Hedgehog is that it makes Sonics’ awesome recent games seem even better. And for that, we have to thank our good pal Peter from California for sending us this game and making us enjoy Sonic Colors all the more. I guess hedgehogs are always darkest before the dawn.

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Tuesday, September 10, 2013

PlanetSide 2 by Sony for PC

Hello everyone. Today we're taking a look at the free to play title by Sony called PlanetSide 2. Now, to sum up it's a massive multi player online shooter. And it's not really just a shooter because it's a war-game. So you've got everything here from infantry filling lots of different roles for instance light assault, heavy assault, medics, engineers and infiltrators. All the way up to tanks, aircraft buggies, you name it, it's all here basically.

This game is absolutely massive and it's been designed not to be like your normal first person shooter where you may only have 30 odd players in a level. In this game you have thousands of players all simultaneously fighting across one of the largest maps you have ever seen. And then to top it off there are three different maps representing three warring factions effectively and the idea is it's a turf war really.

The three factions are fighting over these massive worlds and looking to take items of territory in this case right now we're trying to assault one of the towers which happen to have vehicle pads and aircraft pads as well as being able to spawn infantry. And at the moment we ‘recurrently trying to assault it. Now you can see here there's loads of people on screen, there's an enemy tank up there which I'm about to launch some missiles at. If I can get a lock on. No? But the idea is to simulate a war in the far flung future. So all of the weaponry.

We're probably here with the Fractional of the weaponry has a very futuristic kind of feel to it whilst the TR are very much projectile based so everything is bullets basically, and missiles. One of the other factions has lasers for instance and you can see there an aircraft flying overhead. And as I'm looking around here you can see there are so many players and this is only a small fraction of the number that you could have on-screen at any one time. But there's my repeater rocket, Whoa! It got me. So quickly rescanned,

Ripsaw times last 10 seconds or so then you can get straight back into the action dropping an ammo pack, currently running as an engineer here. So I can also drop these manna turrets as well, which are absolutely phenomenal for just holding down an infantry assault coming towards you but does tend to make you a bit of a target for tanks and anything with a missile. But you can see I'm able to lay down just a little bit of cover and given my guys an opportunity just before I get killed and then I'm moving on again so now the assaulters just move round, we're actually attacking from three points around this building and so switch over to the infantry, the infiltrator now and just try and deal with some of the infantry currently hold-up on the top of the tower.

Main reason we are doing that is we can't really assault the tower until we can get their covering fire reduced a little bit and then our guys could push forward. The whole way the game works and it's been in a very long development cycle through an alpha and now think in beta, so not even officially released yet although anyone can now jump in and play. They have done an awful lot of work here to rebalance up and polish the game and they're making changes and additions constantly to how the game actually works. Really fantastically well made. The general scale of the game is just something that is breathtaking the first few times you jump in and there will be real moments, I've been playing now I think for about eight or nine months, and there are real moments in this game where you kind of just end up dumbstruck I think, really is the word.

 I mean you can see here how many players we have just in this one small little area and we're basically pinned down at the moment and here is the enemy starting to swarm towards us. It really is a game that at times will just leave you breathless, especially when you know; a high explosive round goes off behind you. But just phenomenally well made game.
In a second we'll be switching over to some of the vehicles so you can have a look and see how those operate. And here we go, moving now to my tank. All the vehicles just feel meaty in this game. None of them are particularly weak and you can upgrade everything, that's one of the key things with this game.

 Everything is available as an unlock or if you want to hand over money because it is a free to play game, you can unlock weaponry earlier but you still have the progression there. It's not pay to win so effectively if you’re willing to put the time in you can unlock any gun in the game. The area where the kind of micro transactions and in-app purchases come in is really for customizations do you want to make your tank look cooler.

Do you want to have these hood ornaments you can just see here, this skull just on the front. And obviously the camas as well. And those add nothing really to how well you're going to be able to play the game but it just gives you something to differentiate yourself from all of the other grey tanks basically. And that for me I think works really nicely. I've spent a little bit of money just making my gear look really cool because I think it just adds something a little bit extra really whilst you're playing. People tend to get out of the way when a really nice looking tank rolls up. But at the same time then it just leaves you as a little bit more of a target for the other side because, you know, you stand out a little bit more.

But everything is well balanced. At no point in this game does it ever feel like you’re going to get absolutely trashed by one person using one particular type of load out. Everything seems to have a counter because there's just such a wide variety going on here so if somebody is sat there with a rocket launcher fly up to them with a mosquito. You know, bomb them from the air. Whatever it takes basically. Everything has a counter if you're willing to use your brain. It just makes for a very fun experience the likes of which we've not really had in a first person shooter before. Like I say, this kind of game transcends personal shooters and kind of ends up more of this massive multiplayer war game.

 It’s something just a little bit more than just Call of Duty of just Battlefield. Realistically, this is where Call of Duty and Battlefield will have to go to over the next few years otherwise they're going to look decidedly out of date. Sony have done a phenomenal job with PlanetSide2created possibly the best first person shooter that's ever been made, certainly the most dynamic war game that's ever been created and to have it in these huge open worlds with all of the unlocked vehicles and gear available plus the way that they're actually working with the community of gamers to improve their game makes this a title that is a no-brainer, you have to check it out. The system requirements are a little bit high if you want to be able to play on full detail at 60 frames a second like we're seeing here then you're going to have to, you know, have fairly beefy PC. But all in all it's well worth it this was played on a GTX 58. ( official source )

Sunday, September 1, 2013

FIFA SOCCER 13 for Iphone

The waves keep crashing against the beach; the sun keeps rising; and the moon’s orbit slowly decays to an eventual stop; such are the many natural things we can count onto happen every day, including Electronic Arts’ inevitable update to the FIFA franchise. If you detect a slightly sour bitterness on the palette, don’t worry, it’s just a sore point borne of the cyclical nature of the game industry.

 There is, however, a benefit to this kind of repetitive updating on the iOS platform- notably each year we are provided with slightly more powerful devices to use and the developers involved become better versed with touch-based gaming; the end result is always a step forward. FIFA 13 is no exception, and in fact trumps its prior iterations handily by merging the usual spit-shine-and-polish approach with brand new features that are definitely worthy of praise.
Foremost is the inclusion of an online mode to play matches against random opponents or against your Origin friends. A ‘ladder’ of sorts ranks you and your friends, and you can expect a speedier, more ‘arcade’ feeling experience should you take the plunge. For those who like to get in to the nitty-gritty, Manager Mode returns, complete with fine-tuning that makes life easier on the management side of things, while throwing in a few more curve-balls(injuries, for example, are far more common).

Gameplay itself is very smooth, and while the graphics haven’t seen much of an upgrade, small touches such as the inclusion of facial expressions gives the players more life (especially on replays) and the crowd feels less like a spooky stadium of cardboard cut-outs. Your choice of controls will be determined by how many of the automatic or manual options you decide to keep on or off, but the hybridization of the console and touch-based innovations continues in FIFA 13.
Touch-hold-and-swipe returns for those who prefer finessed maneuvers, while the inclusion of the skill-move grid makes for a complex, but satisfying way of out-playing the AI opponents, who have been given a subtle boost thanks to the inclusion of other player-helpers such as calling for a second defender.

Also, if you happen to have an iPad lying around you can use your iPhone as a controller, making for a not-so-cheap, but entertaining portable console setup (if you can stand the Bluetooth input latency).Ultimately FIFA 13 only takes things up a notch across the board, but seeing as the game is already at a high-point for fans of Football, the changes ensure that it retains this post while hinting at even greater things to come next year.

play FIFA 14